2017년 싱가포르 공립초등학교 외국학생1학년 입학 신청 날짜 및 방법 > 전문가상담

사이트 내 전체검색

전문가상담 코닷싱 전문가상담입니다. 목록

교육 | 2017년 싱가포르 공립초등학교 외국학생1학년 입학 신청 날짜 및 방법

  • 분류  교육
  • 항목  칼럼
  • 작성자   설화
  • 작성일16-08-03 23:16
  • 조회  2,711
  • 댓글  0



**궁금하신 사항은 아래 홈페이지 참조하시거나 제게 쪽지 보내주세요.

   친절하게 상담해 드리겠습니다... 물론 무료 상담이니 주저말고 쪽지 주시면 됩니다.



접수일 8월 26일

발표일 11월 30일 (올해의 경우 발표일 보다 미리 래터로 연락 받았습니다)

 초등1 학교 지원시 모든 서류는 원본이 필요하며, 한 학교만 할 수 있고 만약 

 한 학교 이상 지원할 경우 만약 학교 배정 받았더라도 취소 될 수 있습니다.


Primary one Registration


For children who are not Singapore Citizens or Singapore 

Permanent Residents 


Registration Dates : Friday, 26 August 2016

Announcement of Results : Wednesday, 30 November 2016


 Registration Procedures


*** Each child should be registered at only one school at any one time.

 If a child is registered at more than one school, he may lose his place 

in the school of choice

Registration is conducted at the primary school with vacancy in this phase. 

The hours of registration are from 8.00 am to 11.00 am and from 2.30 pm 

to 4.30 pm on the scheduled registration day. Parent is to submit the 

registration form and required documents at the school with vacancy.

Alternatively, parents can authorise a person to register their child on their 

behalf. An original letter of authorisation(80kb .pdf) is required from the 

parent. Parents of non-Singapore Citizen (SC) / non-Permanent Resident (PR) children should note that admission is not guaranteed as there are limited vacancies remaining for non-SC / non-PR children after places are allocated 

to SC / PR children.

MOE will publish the list of available primary schools for parents to register 

their child in this phase. MOE will thereafter centrally process all the 

applications and the posting outcome will be released to parents by 30 November 2016. School posting will take into consideration factors such as availability of school vacancies and ensuring a good spread of students.

In view that Phase 3 vacancies are limited, MOE posting is final. We will therefore not entertain nor reply to appeals on the posting results. Our schools will 

also not entertain any walk-in applications for admissions or transfer of 

non-SC / non-PR children.

As admission is not guaranteed, parents of non-SC / non-PR children are 

advised to consider alternative educational options well ahead, even as you may decide to register your child during Phase 3 of the Primary one 

 Registration Exercise.

 필요한 서류 

·  The child’s Birth Certificate

·  The child’s Passport

·  The child’s Immigration Exemption Order / Dependant’s Pass / Student

  Pass / Long-Term Visit Pass (if any)

·  Both parents' Passport / Singapore NRIC / Entry or Re-entry Permit

·  Both parents' Employment Pass / Work Permit / Long-Term Visit Pass 

   (if any)

·  The child’s Immunisation Records

·  Any other documents as required by the school to support the registration

 *대리 신청  : Letter of Authorization (대리신청시 위임장 파일 첨부)

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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

전문가상담 코닷싱 전문가상담입니다. 목록

  • 전체
  • 상담
  • 칼럼
  • 일반
Total 5,116건
게시물 검색
전문가상담 목록
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1139 일반 보험-사건 California Gym 부도, 폐업 손우락 2016-08-06 1563
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1134 일반 보험-사건 오피스 빌딩, 빈 사무실 증가 손우락 2016-08-01 1342
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1127 일반 보험-사건 콘도 11분기 하락, 오피스 빌딩매각 손우락 2016-07-09 1750