싱가포르 MOE 외국 전학생을 위한 AEIS 시험 접수 및 시험 일정 공고 > 전문가상담

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전문가상담 코닷싱 전문가상담입니다. 목록

교육 | 싱가포르 MOE 외국 전학생을 위한 AEIS 시험 접수 및 시험 일정 공고

  • 분류  교육
  • 항목  칼럼
  • 작성자   설화
  • 작성일16-07-06 19:44
  • 조회  3,798
  • 댓글  1





시험 접수 :7월 5일부터 8월 19일 

시험 날짜 :초등 2~3  9월 21일 

              초등 4~5학년 9월 22일 

               중등 1~3학년 9월 23일

발표 : 12월 15일 중 1은 23일 



The 2016 AEIS will beconducted on 21, 22 and 23 Sep 2016. Registration opens

 on 5 Jul 2016.


The AdmissionsExercise for International Students (AEIS) is a centralised admissions exerciseconducted by MOE around September or October each year forinternational students who wish to join our mainstream primary and secondaryschools in January of the following year.

AEIS consistsof a centralised test on English and Mathematics that will assess theapplicants’ English literacy, numeracy and reasoning abilities. Admission isnot guaranteed, and is subject to the applicant’s performance in the test. Ifsuccessful, placement will depend on available vacancies and the applicant’sdeclared residential area in Singapore.

Internationalstudents seeking admission to mainstream schools in Singapore should note thatEnglish is the medium of instruction and are strongly encouraged to preparebefore sitting for the AEIS test. They should befamiliar with the English and Mathematicssyllabuses of the level preceding the one they are applying for.


Internationalstudents who do not have a place in a local school and who wish to seekadmission into Primary2–5 and Secondary 1–3 levels in January of the followingacademic year are eligible to take part in AEIS.


Conduct of AEIS Test Dates


Registration Period

21 Sep 2016

Primary 2 3

5 Jul  19 Aug 2016

22 Sep 2016

Primary 4 5

5 Jul  19 Aug 2016

23 Sep 2016           

Secondary 1 3

5 Jul  19 Aug 2016




International students can apply from 5 July 2016 onwards to takepart in AEIS and sit for the centralised test appropriate for theirage cohorts. Registration for the test date will close when all availableplaces for that test date are taken up. Applicants are therefore stronglyencouraged to register early, make payment and submit the required supportingdocuments within one week of their online application.


Date                                       Event                                              Mode 

5 Jul – 19 Aug 2016        Applicationfor AEIS test                   Onlineapplication and submission of 

                                                                                                            supporting documentsand payment 


By 14 Sep 2016          Receive Entry Proof for AEIS test                   E-mail 

21 Sep 2016              Conductof AEIS Test(Pri 2 - 3)                     In person 

22 Sep 2016              Conductof AEIS Test(Pri 4 - 5)                     In person 

23 Sep 2016              Conductof AEIS Test(Sec 1 - 3)                    In person 

14 Dec 2016              Release ofschool offers – Primary 

                                       and Sec 2/Sec 3 levels                             Viewoutcomes online

15 Dec – 

29 Dec 2016              Internationalstudents to report to 

                           school – Primary and Sec 2/Sec 3 levels            In person 

23 Dec 2016               Release ofschool offers – Sec 1                Viewoutcomes online 

26 Dec 2016

 – 9 Jan 2017            Internationalstudents to report to school – Sec 1      In person




Applicants arerequired to have a photocopy of the following supporting documents:

·        Applicant:


·        Birth Certificate

·        Data Page of Passport

·        Deed Poll (if any)

·        Dependant’s Pass (if any)

·        Immigration Exemption Order (if any)

·        Student’s Pass (if any)

·        Applicant’s Parents:

·        Data Page of Passport

·        Deed Poll (if any)

·        Singapore NRIC (if any)

·        Re-entry Permit (if any)

·        Work Pass (if any)


The AEIS fee is S$672.00 (inclusive of GST). This feeis strictly non-refundable. Any requests for a refund will

not be considered. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider their availabilityfor the test before applying 



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전문가상담 코닷싱 전문가상담입니다. 목록

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