2016년 싱가폴 공립초등학교 1학년 입학 신청 안내(MOE발췌) > 전문가상담

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교육 | 2016년 싱가폴 공립초등학교 1학년 입학 신청 안내(MOE발췌)

  • 분류  교육
  • 항목  칼럼
  • 작성자   설화
  • 작성일15-06-19 14:36
  • 조회  2,828
  • 댓글  2


2016년 싱가폴 초등학교 1학년으로 입학할 2009년생 외국인 전형에

대한 정보만 올립니다. Phase 1,2는 어차피 싱가포리언이나 PR자에

해당되는 사랑이고 외국인이나 DP 소지자는 마지막 Phase인

Phase 3에 접수 가능하다.

접수 날짜는 8월 27일 오전 8시~11시, 2:30~4:30분

결과는 11월 30일 나올 예정

서류는 모두 원본이 필요하며 학생여권 영문등본, 부모여권,예방접종기록표.

만약 싱가폴 비자가 있는 경우  ERP, WP, EP, DP,

타인이 접수하는 경우 위임장.

Phase 3는 공석이 제한적이다.

교육부는 포스팅 결과에 대한 어피에 답변하지 않을 것이다.

학교는 싱가포리언이나 PR이 아닌 경우 입학이나 전학을 위한

어떤 지원서로 받지 않을 것이다.

***파랑색 글씨가 외국인인 우리가 필요한 정보입니다. 

Note 는 그냥 참고 삼아 보세요




  For children who are not Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents#

Phase 3 Registration Thursday 27 Aug 2015 (registration from 8.00 am to 11.00 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm)

Announcement of result : By Monday 30 Nov 2015



Documents (originals )

The childs Birth Certificate

The childs Passport

The childs Immigration Exemption Order / Dependants Pass / Student Pass / Long-Term Visit Pass (if any)

Both parents’Passport/Singapore NRIC / Entry or Re-entry Permit/Employment Pass/Work Permit

The childs Immunisation Certificates

Any other documents as required by the school to support the registration


3) Parents of non-Singapore Citizen (SC)/non-Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) children

should note that admission is not guaranteed as there are limited vacancies remaining for

non-SC/non-PR children after places are allocated to SC/PR children. MOE will publish the list

of available primary schools for parents to register their child in this phase. MOE will thereafter centrally process all the applications and the posting outcome will be released to parents by 30 November 2015. School posting will take into consideration factors such as availability of school vacancies and ensuring a good spread of students. In view that Phase 3 vacancies are limited, MOE posting is final. We will therefore not entertain nor reply to appeals on the posting results. Our schools will also not entertain any walk-in applications for admissions or transfer of non-SC/non-PR children.




@ 1) MOE will reserve 40 places in every primary school for registrants in Phase 2B and 2C to

ensure continued open access to all primary schools. The 40 places will be reserved in Phase 2B and 2C

(20 places for each phase) before the start of the P1 Registration Exercise.


2) Singapore Citizens (SCs) will be given absolute priority over Singapore Permanent Residents

(PRs) when balloting is necessary in a specific phase. SCs and PRs will continue to be eligible for the same phases, and all applicants will be admitted if the total number of applications in any phase does not exceed the number of vacancies. However, if the number of applications exceeds the number of vacancies in a specific phase, SCs will be admitted first ahead of PRs, before home-school distance is considered.


3) Should the number of SC applications exceed the number of vacancies in a specific phase,

places will be balloted according to the home-school distance category in the following order of priority:

(a) Children living within 1km of the school of choice

(b) Children living between 1km and 2km of the school of choice

(c) Children living outside 2km of the school of choice


4) Should the number of SC applications be less than the number of vacancies in a specific phase,

all SCs will be admitted first. The remaining vacancies in that phase will be balloted amongst the PRs based on the above home-school distance category.


* At the end of Phase 2A(2), 50% of the remaining places (including the 40 reserved places) will be allocated for Phase 2B and the other 50% for Phase 2C registrants in a school. In the event that there are vacancies left at the end of Phase 2B, the remaining vacancies will be carried forward to Phase 2C.

# 1) Children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents and who are still not

registered in a school after the earlier phases are also eligible to register at this phase.

2) Should the number of applications exceed the number of vacancies, priority will be given to the following order:

(a) Children who are Singapore Citizens

(b) Children who are Singapore Permanent Residents

(c) Children who are not Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents


[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2017-11-23 20:32:57 싱가포르 교육상담에서 복사 됨]
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