2015년 외국인 싱가폴 공립학교 전학 AEIS TEST 일정 > 전문가상담

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교육 | 2015년 외국인 싱가폴 공립학교 전학 AEIS TEST 일정

  • 분류  교육
  • 항목  칼럼
  • 작성자   설화
  • 작성일14-07-16 10:20
  • 조회  2,958
  • 댓글  0


싱가포르 교육부는 2014년 10월 1일에 중학교 시험

10월 2일에 초등학교 시험을 볼 예정이라고 공식 사이트에

공고했습니다.  13~14일에 실시하던 예년에 비해 열흘 정도

시험 일정이 앞당겨져 AEIS 시험을 준비하는 학생들은 더 빠른

준비가 요구되고 있습니다.

2015년 신학기에 싱가폴 공립학교로 전학할 외국인 학생은

이번 10월에 있는 AEIS 시험 영어, 수학 시험을 보고 합격하면

교육부에서 학교를 지정해 준다. 이때 학생은 지정 받은 학교에

1년 이상은 재학 해야 하며 그 전에 다른 학교로의 전학은

불허 합니다.

시험 방법 및 유형을 참고하기 바랍니다

The 2014 AEIS will be conducted on 1 and 2 Oct 2014. Registration opens on 14 Jul 2014.

When is AEIS conducted

Conduct of AEIS Test Dates


Registration Period

1 Oct 2014

Secondary 1 – 3

14 Jul – 29 Aug 2014

2 Oct 2014

Primary 2 – 5

14 Jul – 29 Aug 2014

1.The AEIS P2/P3 English test comprises 34 Multiple-Choice Questions on Comprehension and Language Use. Applicants will be given 1 hour to complete.

Comprehension and Language Use

34 Compulsory Multiple-Choice Questions

  • Comprehension (based on two passages) - 6 items
  • Comprehension Cloze (based on two passages) - 10 items
  • Vocabulary - 5 items
  • Grammar - 5 items
  • Spelling - 8 items

2.The AEIS P2/P3 Mathematics test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 30 minutes to complete Part 1 and 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete Part 2. The use of calculators is not allowed.



Number of items

Part 1

Multiple-Choice Questions

34 items

Part 2

Short-answer Questions

34 items

For short-answer questions, applicants have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided

3.The AEIS P4/P5 Mathematics test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 40 minutes to complete Part 1, and 1 hour and 40 minutes to complete Part 2. The use of calculators is not allowed.



Number of items

Part 1

Multiple-Choice Questions

36 items

Part 2

Short-answer Questions

16 items

Open-ended Questions

12 items

For short-answer questions, applicants have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

Open-ended questions generally require longer and/or more complex method of solution as compared to short-answer questions. For open-ended questions, applicants have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

4. The AEIS P4/P5 English test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 2 hours to complete Part 1 and Part 2. The paper is taken in a single sitting.


Writing--Two topics are set. Applicants choose one topic and write a composition of at least 100 words on it.



Comprehension and Language Use

50 Compulsory Multiple-Choice Questions

Comprehension (based on two passages) - 10 items

Comprehension Cloze (based on two passages) - 12 items

Vocabulary - 14 items

Grammar - 14 items

5.The AEIS Secondary English test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 2 hours and 10 minutes to complete Part 1 and Part 2. The paper is taken in a single sitting.


Writing ---Two topics are set for Sec 1, and four topics are set for Sec 2 and Sec 3.

Applicants choose one topic and write a composition on it.

  • Applicants sitting for Sec 1 will write 200 - 300 words.
  • Applicants sitting for Sec 2 will write 250 - 350 words.
  • Applicants sitting for Sec 3 will write 300 - 400 words.



Comprehension and Language Use

50 Compulsory Multiple-Choice Questions

  • Comprehension (based on two passages) - 15 items
  • Comprehension Cloze (based on two passages) - 15 items
  • Vocabulary - 10 items
  • Grammar - 10 items

6.The AEIS Secondary Mathematics testcomprises two parts. Applicants will be given 30 minutes to complete Part 1, and 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete Part 2. The use of calculators is not allowed.



Number of items

Part 1

Multiple-Choice Questions

34 items

Part 2

Short-answer Questions

20 items

Open-ended Questions

10 to 15 items

For short-answer questions, applicants have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

Open-ended questions generally require longer and / or more complex method of solution as compared to short-answer questions. For open-ended questions, applicants have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2017-11-23 20:32:57 싱가포르 교육상담에서 복사 됨]
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