<p>안녕하세요 크레용님</p><p>NUS나 SMU를 지원하시려면 12학년 정규 과정을 마쳐야합니다</p><p>필리핀 학제도 10학년 과정과 12학년 이렇게 두 과정의</p><p>하이수쿨 프로그램이 공존하고 있던데 우리가 흔히 말하는</p><p>명문대학을 가려면 12학년은 필수로 마쳐야 입학 가능합니다.</p><p>싱가폴에도 10학년에 O'LEVEL,이라는 시험을 봅니다.</p><p>국제학교의 IGESE 혹은 필리리핀 10학년 졸업 시험과 비슷한 학력을</p><p>인정 받는 시험이라고 생각합니다.</p><p>물론 O'LEVEL 점수로 컬리지나 미국 주립대 및 싱가폴 사립대학 지원 가능합니다</p><p>하지만 싱가폴 국립대학을 지원하려면 JC 과정 즉 12학년까지 마치거나</p><p>폴리테크닉 3년 과정을 마치고 국립대로 지원 가능합니다.</p><p>크레용님께서 꼭 NUS를 가고 싶다면 2년 과정을 더 공부하여 </p><p>IB 6과목 우수한 성적을 받거나, </p><p>SAT 1 2200이상 및 SAT 2 (학과 선택에 필수 조건과목 포함)우수한 성적 받아서 제출하면 됩니다</p><p>아니면 고졸 검정고시 고득점 받고 SAT 점수 받아서 SMU 지원 하는 방법이 있습니다.</p><p>SMU 대학 지원시 학력도 12학년 졸업자, </p><p>그리고 SAT1 필수 ( <strong><font face="Gulim" size="3">SAT is compulsory)</font></strong>조건이 따릅니다</p><p><br></p><p>대학교 원서 넣으실때 </p><p><strong>학과 선택에 있어서 필수로 이수해야</strong> 하는 과목이 있습니다</p><p>이를 참조 하셔서 차분히 준비한 후에 명문대학에 원서를 넣는것이</p><p>지혜로운 방법이리라 생각됩니다.</p><p><br></p><p>아래의 정보를 참고 하시어 차근 차근 준비해서</p><p>좋은 결과 얻으시기 바랍니다</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p> </p><p><font face="GulimChe"><strong>NUS 지원</strong> </font></p><p><a href="http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/apply/international/admissionreq/others.html">http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/apply/international/admissionreq/others.html</a></p><p><a href="http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/apply/international/prerequisites/BYA-prerequisites.html">http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/apply/international/prerequisites/BYA-prerequisites.html</a></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3">Course Pre-requisites »</font></p><p><br><font face="Gulim" size="3">Admission is based on academic merit as well as open competition among all eligible applicants. In addition to fulfilling admission requirements for the applicant category that you belong to, you should also ensure that you fulfil the subject prerequisites for the courses which you wish to be considered for. Please note that the subject prerequisites presented below are subject to changes every year. You are strongly encouraged to visit our website regularly for further updates.</font></p><p><br></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3"><strong>Course (학과 지원시 필수로 이수 했어야 할 과목 중요합니다 )</strong></font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3"><strong>Selection for Prerequisites </strong></font></p><p><br><font face="Gulim" size="3">Architecture Year 12 or higher level pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics or Physical Science. <br>Arts and Social Sciences* Refer to </font><a href="http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg"><font face="Gulim" size="3">http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg</font></a><font face="Gulim" size="3"> for respective subjects. <br>Biomedical Engineering Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry. <br>Business Administration Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics or ‘O’ Level Additional Mathematics. <br>Business Administration (Accountancy) Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics or ‘O’ Level Additional Mathematics. <br>Business Analytics Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics <br>Chemical Engineering Year 12 or higher level pass in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics <br>Civil Engineering# Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry. <br>Computer Engineering#<br> (Jointly offered by Faculty of Engineering and School of Computing) Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry. <br>Computing (Computer Science courses)<br> Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics. <br>Computing (Information System courses) Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics. <br>Dentistry Year 12 or higher level pass in Chemistry and either Biology or Physics. <br>Electrical Engineering# Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry. <br>Engineering Science Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Physics. <br>Environmental Engineering Year 12 or higher level pass in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics <br>Environmental Studies Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Biology or Chemistry. <br>Industrial Design Year 12 or higher level pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics. <br>Industrial & System Engineering# Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry. <br>Law A high level of proficiency in the English Language (e.g. General Paper B3, IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 600 or SAT I Verbal / Critical reading score of 700 or AP English Language Grade 4). <br>Materials Science & Engineering# Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry. <br>Mechanical Engineering# Year 12 or higher level pass in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry. <br>Medicine<br> Year 12 or higher level pass in Chemistry and either Biology or Physics. <br>Nursing Year 12 or higher level pass in any two of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Physics, Physical Science, either Mathematics or Further Mathematics. <br>Pharmacy <br>Strong Year 12 pass or strong higher-level pass in Chemistry and either Biology or Physics or Mathematics<br> <br>Project & Facilities Management Year 12 or higher level pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics. <br>Real Estate Year 12 or higher level pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics. </font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3"> Science* Year 12 or higher level pass in any two of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Physics, Physical Science, either Mathematics or Further Mathematics. </font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3"> </font></p><p><br><font face="Gulim" size="3">* The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Science offer many subjects which may require further subject prerequisites. Please refer to their respective website at </font><a href="http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg"><font face="Gulim" size="3">http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg</font></a><font face="Gulim" size="3"> and </font><a href="http://www.science.nus.edu.sg"><font face="Gulim" size="3">http://www.science.nus.edu.sg</font></a><font face="Gulim" size="3"> for more information. </font></p><p><br><font face="Gulim" size="3">Owing to limited places in the courses of Dentistry and Medicine, only candidates who have submitted actual results by their respective application closing dates will be considered. If you have been shortlisted, you will be notified via email to attend additional tests and / or interviews conducted at the University in April / May each year to assess your suitability for the courses.</font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3"><br></font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3"><br></font></p><p><strong>SMU 지원</strong><br><font face="Gulim" size="3"></font></p><p><a href="http://admissions.smu.edu.sg/apply/admissions-requirements/international-qualifications">http://admissions.smu.edu.sg/apply/admissions-requirements/international-qualifications</a></p><p><br>INTERNATIONAL AND OTHER QUALIFICATIONS<br> <br><font face="Gulim" size="3">•At least 18 years of age by the commencement of the freshman academic year<br>•A <strong>minimum of 12 years of formal education with good passes in a national/international examination</strong> that is recognised for the purpose of admission. Please click here for a list of international qualifications. Applicants taking their respective examinations between January and June 2014 must submit their actual results within 3 working days after the release of the results<br>•Interview/essay writing for shortlisted applicants. Applicant who are not residing in Singapore may be interviewed by telephone/Skype<br>•<strong>SAT* is compulsory.</strong> Applicants may take ACT* (including the Writing Test) in place of SAT</font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3">* SAT/ACT are not required for those applying with Diplomas from LASALLE / NAFA / NIE</font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3"> </font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3">SAT</font></p><p><font face="Gulim" size="3">SAT is compulsory for applicants with international qualifications. Scores must reach SMU by 31 May to be considered. A score of 1900 or more will be minimally sufficient for applicants to make a competitive application. Please note that meeting the SAT guideline does not guarantee admission as admission to SMU is competitive and selective. The more competitive schools will usually require scores of more than 2000.</font></p>