IP 학교에 대하여 > 전문가상담

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전문가상담 코닷싱 전문가상담입니다. 목록

교육 | IP 학교에 대하여

  • 분류  교육
  • 항목  칼럼
  • 작성자   설화
  • 작성일13-03-06 11:26
  • 조회  2,820
  • 댓글  2


Integrated Programmes (IP)

While the GCE ‘O’ Levels serve as a valuable intermediate benchmark for the majority of our pupils, those who are academically strong can benefit from engaging in broader learning experiences during their Secondary and JC years. The Integrated Programmes (IP) will provide an integrated secondary and JC education where secondary school pupils can proceed to JC without taking the GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations. Schools offering IP will optimise the time freed up from preparing for the GCE ‘O’ Levels to stretch pupils and provide greater breadth in the academic and non-academic curriculum. However, these schools will continue to have school-based assessments to measure pupils’ progress.

The IP leads to the ‘A’ Level examinations or other Diplomas. The 6-year IP is offered at the following schools:

School Programme Offered Length of Programme JC Partner
Catholic High School ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner New Government JC
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner
Singapore Chinese Girls’ School ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner
Dunman High School ‘A’ Levels 6 Years -
Nanyang Girls’ High School ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner Hwa Chong Institution
Hwa Chong Institution (Secondary)
National Junior College ‘A’ Levels 6 Years -
Raffles Girls School ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner Raffles Institution
Raffles Institution (Secondary)
River Valley High School ‘A’ Levels 6 Years -
Temasek Junior College
(Extend downwards to Sec 1-2)
‘A’ Levels 6 years from 2013 -
Victoria School ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner Victoria Junior College
Cedar Girls’ Secondary School ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner
Victoria Junior College ‘A’ Levels 4 years as of 2012, but VJC will stop accepting Secondary 3 students from 2013 onwards, to partner Victoria School and Cedar Girls’ Secondary School -
Anglo Chinese School (Independent) International Baccalaureate 6 years -
Methodist Girls’ School International Baccalaureate 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
St Joseph’s Institution International Baccalaureate 6 years Extend upwards to Years 5-6
NUS High School NUS High School Diploma 6 years -

우수한 학생을 뽑아서 O'Level 시험 보지 않고 10학년 마친 후에
바로11학년 즉 JC 과정을 공부할 기회를 주는 학교들입니다.

흔히 일컷는 명문학교에 IP 프로그램이 있습니다

위의 표를 참조해보세요
[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2017-11-23 20:32:57 싱가포르 교육상담에서 복사 됨]
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전문가상담 코닷싱 전문가상담입니다. 목록

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Total 5,116건
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전문가상담 목록
번호 항목 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
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450 일반 교육 싱가폴 조기유학 도와주세요 댓글4 릴리쉬크 2013-04-06 3376
449 일반 교육 SAT로 싱가폴 국립 대학교에 지원했습니다. 합격 가능성 좀 봐주세요 ..ㅠㅠㅠ 댓글2 노란외계인 2013-04-05 4756
448 일반 교육 에넥신님!!싱가폴내 영국 대학 본교와 분교 차이점이 궁굼합니다^^ 댓글4 Leoyang 2013-04-05 3509
447 일반 교육 외국대학 분교에 관해서 질문이요 .. 댓글2 sadw112qw 2013-04-01 2778
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445 일반 교육 한국 초3생 싱가폴 국립학교 입학 가능한가요? 댓글1 white 2013-03-28 2821
444 일반 교육 국제학교에서 로컬sec1으로 2학기때 입학 댓글1 신부 2013-03-14 2374
443 상담 교육 어떻해야할까요?? 도와주세요~~ 댓글2 설화 2013-03-07 2670
442 일반 교육 어떻해야할까요?? 도와주세요~~ 아이유 2013-03-07 2385
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439 일반 교육 중국어 상담 댓글2 hjhj 2013-03-04 2688
438 일반 교육 A Level 점수와 지원가능대학 어떻게 알 수 있나요? 댓글2 이누스 2013-03-01 3205
437 일반 교육 ACCA 수업 댓글2 hsangsarang 2013-02-26 3343