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교육 | 싱가폴대학을 원한다면 중학교때부터 과목정리 필수입니다!
- 분류 교육
- 항목 칼럼
- 작성자 에넥신1
- 작성일11-01-21 17:11
- 조회 3,614
- 댓글 1
안녕하세요 원더우먼님
우선 중국어 대해서:
국적 관계없이 A level로 NUS 입학조건 맞추는거면 중국어 (Mother Tongue)를 하여야 합니다. MOE에서 면제를 받으면 경우가 다르겠죠. 면제를 받은 자녀이면 이 부분은 MOE에 직접 문의하는게 좋습니다. 만일 Mother Tongue 면제 허가를 MOE에서 받지 않고 중국어를 등록안하면 A level성적이 있어도 NUS 입학을 못합니다.
이상은 아래 사항을 NUS에서 뽑았으며 간추려서 적어드린것입니다.
Admission to the University is based on an applicant’s University Admission Score (UAS) comprising the grades of six A-level subjects as follows:
• Best three H2 and one H1 content-based subjects, with at least 1 content subject from a contrasting discipline
• General Paper (GP) or Knowledge and Inquiry (KI)
• Project Work (PW)
The best Mother Tongue Language (MTL) subject grade (e.g. H1 MTL or O-level higher MTL) will be considered only if the candidate provides the result for consideration. The University will include it in the scoring only if it raises the competitiveness of the candidate.
These are the minimum requirements needed for applicants (regardless of nationality) appearing for the new 'A' Level curriculum (1.e. H1/H2/H3 subjects) examination in November 2010 to apply for admission to NUS in 2011:
Pass in at least two subjects at H2 Level and offer either General Paper (GP) or Knowledge & Inquiry (KI) in the same sitting.
Meet the Mother Tongue Language (MTL) requirement for admission by having one of the following:
minimum of D7 for the higher MTL paper taken at the 'O' Level examination.
minimum of ‘S’ grade for the H1 MTL paper or General Studies in Chinese.
minimum of 'S' grade for the H2 MTLL paper taken at the 'A' Level examination.
pass in the MTL 'B' Syllabus paper at the 'A' Level examination.
If you are a candidate who has been exempted from MTL as approved by MOE, the MOE-approved subject-in-lieu will be considered as your MTL subject.
If you are unable to fulfil the MTL requirement for admission but satisfy all other admission requirements, you will be admitted on a provisional basis. During your course of study, you will be required to attend the MTL course conducted by the University or attain the minimum requirement as listed above by retaking the MTL paper at the ‘A’ Level examination before you are allowed to graduate.
Please note that meeting the minimum admission requirements as indicated in items A & B above does not indicate that the applicant can be admitted as admission to the University is based on open competition. It would be dependent on the applicant's academic standing, the courses he/she has selected and the competition amongst the applicants in the year of application. In exceptional cases, work experience and other achievements may be considered.
로스쿨 대해서:
여기보면 2011년 입학 준비 학생들을 위해 2010년 NUS 최소/최고 입학성적 결과가 공개되어 있습니다.
A level로 NUS 입학은 H2 과목으로 A 3개, H1과목으로 A 1개 의 통합한 성적으로 입학 결정이 됩니다.
예를들면 ABC/D가 라고 적혀 있으면, 이 뜻은 H2 과목으로 A 1개 B 1개 C 1개, H1 과목으로 D 1개 입니다.
로스쿨은 입학 합격 2010년 결과 하위 10 % 와 상위 10% 가 둘다 AAA/A이군요. 로스쿨은 그 위에 인터뷰가 있습니다.
중국어는 이상 사항같이 성적이 입학조건만 맞추면 되지만 인터뷰에서 뭘 트집 잡을지 알길이 없군요.
[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2017-11-23 20:32:57 싱가포르 교육상담에서 복사 됨]