[7-11]아이스크림 무.료 > 행사

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행사 코닷싱 행사입니다. 목록

[7-11]아이스크림 무.료

  • 작성자   KORDOTSIN
  • 작성일20-07-09 12:11
  • 조회  2,326
  • 댓글  2




*7월10일부터 시작되며, 총 싱가포르 세븐 일레븐 매장에 35,000개 아이스크림을 무료로 제공 단, 각 매장마다 하루에 100개로 제한*

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  • sereinsand3
  • Regionality of design. Each institutional enterprise has a different regionality, which may be reflected in the historical background of the institution, the cultural roots behind the products or services, and the scope and target of the market. The logo can have obvious regional characteristics; but relatively speaking, it can also have a strong international image. This is often the most difficult place for designers of design companies to grasp; the applicability of logo design. The logo design must be suitable for the visual communication medium used by the institution. Each medium has different characteristics or has its own limitations, and the application of trademarks must be adapted to the conditions of each medium. Consider the shape, size, color and texture. Therefore, the design works have better applicability. https://www.bigblogsandarticles.com/