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Directory Restaurants&Groceries

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Company Name JooBar Logo

Contact number +6581381628
Business Type Restaurants&Groceries
Operating hours Weekdays: 17:30 ~ 00:00

Weekend: 17:30 ~ 00:00

Rest hours: -

Rest days: -
Address Bugis / 5 Tan Quee Lan Street (188094)
Location services
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Company introduction

We are a sleek, casual and inviting venue within a three-storey heritage shophouse along the charming streets of Tan Quee Lan. Ingeniously created by Singaporean aficionados of Korean culture and food; Jamie & Kristin Lim, Joo was born from a desire to offer top notch modern Korean bites and creative drinks in a space that exudes a laid-back vibe with a tasteful dose of edginess.Our menu promises unique options and presentation styles, as well as suggested alcohol pairings. We emphasise on homemade ingredients and customers can be assured of authentic flavours.


5 Tan Quee Lan Street (188094)