ChickenRun- ADDRESS

사이트 내 전체검색

Directory Restaurants&Groceries

No Company Name Subject Event period Veiws
Company Name ChickenRun Logo

Contact number +6567021373
Business Type Restaurants&Groceries
Operating hours Weekdays: 11:00 ~ 22:00

Weekend: 11:00 ~ 22:00

Rest hours: -

Rest days: -
Address Marina Parade / #02-18/19/20/K4, Paya Lebar Rd, Paya Lebar Square (409051)
Location services
E-mail -
Homepage -
Company introduction

Visited the outlet at Smith St and loved the food and great customer service! Will definitely recommend the beef and chicken pot! 

Added udon and mushrooms to both pots and the udon taste so good with the gravy! 

Chicken taste really fresh and the beef was succulent too !


#02-18/19/20/K4, Paya Lebar Rd, Paya Lebar Square (409051)