HanSang(Novena)- ADDRESS

사이트 내 전체검색

Directory Restaurants&Groceries

No Company Name Subject Event period Veiws
Company Name HanSang(Novena) Logo

Contact number +6563976752
Business Type Restaurants&Groceries
Operating hours Weekdays: 11:30 ~ 22:30

Weekend: 11:30 ~ 22:30

Rest hours: -

Rest days: -
Address Novena / 10 Sinaran Drive #03-33 Square 2 (307506)
Location services
E-mail hansangkorean0333@gmail.com
Homepage http://www.hansangkorean.com/
Company introduction

Enjoy our taste and sincerity, 

Serving a full meal on the table ,

There are many kinds of side dishes , Kimchi , Chicken , etc.


10 Sinaran Drive #03-33 Square 2 (307506)