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Largest Korean Starbucks Store
- Type Informative
- Author ruffles
- Date20-08-11 14:21
- views 5,647
- comment 2
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This is too beautiful not to share.
This is Starbuck's biggest store in South Korea, opened for their 21st anniversary!
It is located in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggido which is near the scenic Namhan River.
It has a Starbucks Reserve. If you do not know it is actually a premium coffee bar.
It also has a Teavana bar! So even if you don't like coffee, there will be options for you.
The shop is also drive-through, so you can do drive by and get the drinks conveniently!
If you want the drinks in the shop, the rooftop has space for live music. What a nice vibe.
Isn't this cool? I want to visit it sometime when I am in Korea!