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How to make Kimchi Fried Rice ?
- Type Informative
- Author 송송김치
- Date21-02-16 09:42
- views 18,765
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Let's make Kimchi Fried Rice
Basic Ingredients -기본재료
1. Rice for one person, 밥 1인분
2 kimchi, 김치2줄
1/4 of onion, 양파 1/4
50g of minced pork, 다진 돼지고기 50g
3roots of green onion, 파 3뿌리
1 teaspoon of ground garlic, 다진마늘 1ts
1teaspoon of soy sauce, 간장 1ts
1 tablespoon of sesame salt, 깨소금 1Ts
1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 참기름 1ts
salt, 소금 pepper powder, 후추 cooking oil 식용유
Recipe 조리법
1. It is better to use a little under-cooked rice, or if there is any, cold rice.
지은지 좀 된 밥이나 찬밥을 사용하시는 것이 좋습니다
2. Take out the packcage of SongSong Mat-kimchi (Sliced Kimchi) and cut them into small pieces if you need.
김치 속을 빼고 잘게 썹니다3. Chop onions and green onions (or Spring Onion) into small bits and mince the garlic.
양파와 파를 잘게 썰고 마늘을 다집니다4. Season the minced pork with soy sauce, minced garlic and pepper powder.
다진 고기를 간장과 마늘, 후추를 넣어 양념합니다.5. Saute the pork with cooking oil in frying pan. When the pork is cooked, put the onion and kimchi and cook more.
고기를 팬에 넣고 볶습니다. 고기가 익으면 양파와 김치를 넣고 조금더 볶습니다.6. After five minutes, put in the minced garlic and green onion. Cook a little more and turn off the heat. Mix well after.
5분이 지나면 다진 마늘과 양파를 넣습니다. 시간이 조금더 지나면 불을 끄고 잘 섞습니다.
7. After mixing kimchi and pork with rice, turn on the heat again and taste with salt and pepper. Finally put a little bit of sesame salt and sesame oil.
김치와 고기를 볶은 것을 밥과 섞은 후 다시 불을 켜고 소금과 후추를 넣어 간을 맞추세요.
마지막으로 참기름과 깨소금 약간을 더 넣어주세요.8. Put the rice into the dish and sprinkle sesame salt. It maybe served with crushed toasted seaweed.
밥을 그릇에 담고 깨소금을 뿌려주세요.
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