BTS LYRICS On ICONIC Signboard! > K-Pop

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  • Category  Misc
  • Area  Korea
  • Author   KORDOTSIN
  • 20-08-04 10:52
  • Views  1,682
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If you have been to Korea, you have surely visited the Gwanghwamun Square, one of the most picturesque locations in Seoul - and one that is steeped in distinct Korean history!


At the centre of the square stands a statue of King Sejong The Great, a figure of high respect among Koreans because of his deeds for the country, including creating the Korean alphabet system - Hanguel!

The square houses the Kyobo Building, owned by Kyobo, a life insurance company in Korea. In front of the building is an iconic billboard that has been used for the past 30 years to feature lyrics - mostly of poetry or folk songs - that encompasses the spirit of the time.

This time, they chose BTS' hit song - 'Run'!


The encouraging billboard reminds passerbys to stand firm in the face of adversity, including the coronavirus situation, and the massive rainfall that has adversely impacted the region.

It reads "Run, run, run again. It's OK if you fall. Run, run, run again. It's OK to get hurt" - lyrics originally intended to encourage youth to follow your dreams, but is now used to provide solace to the public who are fatigued by the ongoing new coronavirus pandemic.

This is the first time a K-Pop dance song's lyrics have been featured on the billboard, and it will run for a month before changing to another design.



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