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Korean Guide To : Chuseok!!

  • Korean food
  • Tanjong Pagar
  • 20-09-18 16:43
  • 4,479


You might have seen your favourite

K-Pop stars donning traditional Hanbok

(Korean clothing) for performances on TV!


These are usually special performances

scheduled especially for Korea's most important

holiday celebration : Chuseok!


Known in Singapore as the Mid-Autumn

Festival, Chuseok is a three-day holiday

in Korea, celebrating the harvest season!


That means that Koreans usually travel

to visit their families' homes, worship their

ancestors as well as eat a lot of good food!


Speaking of food, we would like to introduce

to you the food culture that defines Chuseok!

Starting with...


1. Songpyeon


Mooncakes are ubiquitous during our

Mid-Autumn Festival, and the equivalent

during Chuseok is Songpyeon - also known as

Korean Rice Cakes!


This traditional Korean food comes

in many different variations, with each

region of Korea being known for a specific

type of songpyeon depending on what is

most readily available there!


It is said that a person that can make

beautiful songpyeon will have a

beautiful spouse/child!

As if you needed another reason to brush

up on your rice cake-making skills!


Tip : Don't know/can't make a nice

songpyeon? You can simply buy them,

lovingly made in-house by Koreans!

Check out the Walnut Tree and their

delicious Chuseok sets here!


2. Gifts


When visiting relatives, gifts are often

exchanged, which can vary from money

(albeit, not in red envelopes), to more practical

gifts such as shampoo, socks and recently,

even hand sanitizer and facemasks!


These come in gift sets,

but what's especially fascinating is the

food options available!


Spam (luncheon meat) is super popular

in Korea, and is actually perceived as

a somewhat luxury food!


And, of course, there are exquisitely

packaged premium meat gift sets for

the more wealthy folk.

(If you're looking for Korean meats here

in SG, try Seoul Butchery!)


We hope that this gives you a brief

insight into the Chuseok festival in

Korea, and stay safe among the festivities!


Update : The Korea Herald made

a more detailed list for the best

Chuseok gifts, which you can find here!


Want to learn how to EAT like a Korean?

Click HERE!

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