What We Know About Phase 2! > News

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[COVID-19] What We Know About Phase 2!


We’re at the end of Circuit Breaker, but what exactly can you do in Phases 1 and 2?

If community infection rates remain low and stable, the government will consider (by mid-June) when they can proceed to Phase 2. This can happen before the end of June. However, what does that mean for Singaporeans? Here’s 5 of the most important points!


  1. In both Phases One and Two, masks will remain compulsory when you’re outside your home. 
  2. In Phase 1, all primary and secondary school, junior college (JC) and Millennia Institute (MI) students will return to school from Tuesday (June 2). In Phase 2, all schools will be fully reopened.
  3. In Phase 1, social gatherings are still disallowed. In Phase 2, small-group social gatherings of up to five persons will be allowed. Also, households may receive up to five visitors per day in their homes.
  4. Most business activities, including retail, food and beverage dine-in, personal health and wellness, as well as home-based services will be re-opened in Phase 2. This will include sports and other public facilities, including stadiums and swimming pools.
  5. Religious services, cultural venues (art galleries and libraries), entertainment venues (bars, cinemas, karaoke outlets) and large-scale events (conferences, concerts) will not restart immediately during Phase 2, but the government will be in discussion with the various industries to discuss possible re-opening timelines. 


We hope this helped, and if you want to read about the COVID situation in South Korea, click here

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